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Episode 1 - behind closed doors...
Ellingham & Ringwood Podcast 7 of 7

7. Episode 1 - behind closed doors...

In an effort to keep you informed and entertained, we have launched a club podcast!

'Ellingham & Ringwood, at the heart of our community' will cover all things club based, both on and off the field.

Episode 1
Featuring Club Chair, Rob Ford, Director of Rugby, Mark Johnson and Womens & Girls Chair, Duncan Johnson and hosted by Andy Stevens, we talk about what's been going on at the club through lockdown, and how our wonderful members have been helping others.

One of our discussion points is the very generous donations made towards the Ringwood Foodbank. If you'd like to know more about the Foodbank, and what they're most in need of, click here.

Episode 1 is available here (and will appear in Apple Podcasts, Spotify etc soon).

If you'd like to be involved in a future episode, as a guest or host, have some ideas for discussions or would like to offer some feedback, we'd love to hear from you! Just email us here

Hope you enjoy!